Our Projects

[trx_parallax gap=”yes” color=”#ffffff” bg_image=”http://cspgroup.be/2017/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/parallax_projects.jpg” bg_overlay=”0.2″]

GoodEnergy Group has evolved from a provider of solar power to an all-encompassing sustainable energy
efficiency specialist for industrial businesses with high energy usage.

[trx_blogger style=”masonry_3″ info=”” descr=”150″ readmore=”…” title=”Our Projects” subtitle=”A FEW WORDS ABOUT” description=”We are an environmentally friendly renewable energy company offering a broad
portfolio of technologies, products, & solutions to our clients globally.” cat=”37″ count=”6″ offset=”0″]
[trx_parallax gap=”yes” bg_color=”#17c8f4″ bg_image=”999″ bg_overlay=”0.8″][trx_call_to_action style=”2″ align=”center” title=”((Don’t give up the time!)) Purchase now our theme!” description=”Everything you need to build an excellent website.” link=”#” link_caption=”Purchase” link2=”#” link2_caption=”Learn more” top=”3.5em” bottom=”3.9286em”][/trx_call_to_action][/trx_parallax]
[trx_services columns=”3″ title=”3 Steps to Efficiency” description=”We guide you through the whole process from consultation to implementation,
making it as simple and seamless as possible for you.” cat=”86″ count=”3″][/trx_services]
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[trx_content][trx_clients slider=”yes” controls=”pagination” title=”Our Clients” description=”GoodEnergy works with several organizations and individuals to bring clean and
sustainable energy to the four corners of the world.” cat=”24″ top=”3em” bottom=”3em”][/trx_clients][/trx_content]
[trx_gap][trx_block bg_color=”#ff6e40″][trx_content]
[trx_call_to_action style=”2″ align=”left” title=”Clean and sustainable energy, biofuel and water for our planet” link=”№” link_caption=”read more” width=”84%”][/trx_call_to_action]